Mit unserem Modulbaukasten bieten wir unseren Partnern die Möglichkeit, ihr Angebot vor Ort durch flexible Workshop-Modelle zu ergänzen. Die einzelnen Online-Module sind 2,5 – 3 Stunden lang und können individuell und nach bestimmten Kriterien kombiniert werden – von kürzeren Sessions bis hin zu zweitägigen Workshops. Fordere unsere Partner-Broschüre an, um mehr über das Modulbaukasten-Angebot für Präsenz-Workshops zu erfahren. Die Kontakte zum Partnermanagement findest Du unten.

Young Entrepreneurs in Science Icon Wissenschaftler:in

Career & Empowerment

Unternehmerische Fähigkeiten, Mindsets und Karrierewege entdecken


  • Einführung in die Teamarbeit
  • Agilität und selbstorganisierte Teams (VUCA)
  • ein:e Teamexpert:in kennenlernen mit anschließendem Q&A

  • alternative Karrierewege entdecken
  • die Konzepte Entre- und Intraperneurship verstehen
  • Austausch und Networking mit Rolemodels aus der Wirtschaft
  • Reflexion der eigenen potenziellen unternehmerischen Laufbahn

  • Einführung in das Skillset eines Innovators
  • Reflexion über die eigenen Fähigkeiten
  • die unternehmerischen „Superkräfte“ in der Gruppe entdecken

  • Reflexion über das Potenzial des eigenen Forschungsthemas/Idee
  • Kennenlernen verschiedener Interessengruppen
  • Bewertung des Potenzials durch Identifizierung von Nutzer:innen
  • Entwicklung oder Erweiterung potenzieller Anwendungsfälle auf der Grundlage der eigenen Forschung und des eigenen Netzwerks

  • Reflexion der eigenen Perspektive und Haltung
  • Verstehen des Konzepts von Empathie im Human-Centred Design
  • Perspektivwechsel üben
  • Potenziale für Empathie in der eigenen professionellen Umgebung erkennen

  • Unterscheidung unterschiedlicher Konzepte für sozialverträgliche Wertschöpfung
  • Lerne verschiedene Geschäftsmodelle anhand von Beispielen kennen
  • Ausschöpfung von Ideen neuer potenzieller Business Cases
  • Austausch und Vernetzung mit Rolemodels

  • Gewinne Klarheit und Selbstvertrauen beim Thema Gründung
  • Denke über deine eigenen Ressourcen sowie mögliche Unterstützung nach
  • Lass dich von weiblichen Gründerinnen inspirieren

  • Lerne den Golden Circle und die Konzepte von Purpose und Impact kennen
  • Reflektiere über das WARUM hinter deiner Forschungsarbeit
  • Überlege, in welchen Lebensbereichen deine Forschung einen Beitrag leisten kann

  • Lerne nützliche Mindsets zur Stressbewältigung kennen
  • Mit Perspektivwechseln Raum für Positives schaffen
  • Entwickle Resilienzstrategien, die deinen Bedürfnissen entsprechen

  • Reflexion unterschiedlicher Konfliktbearbeitungsmuster und -bearbeitungsmodelle
  • Perspektivwechsel: Einführung des „Insel-Modells“
  • 3 Schritte zum Führen von Konfliktgesprächen
Young Entrepreneurs in Science Icons Zahnräder

Ideas & Methods

User-zentrierte Methoden ausprobieren, um Ideen zu generieren und diese weiterzuentwickeln


  • Ein Problem als Basis für innovative Ideenfindung verstehen
  • Verschiedene Brainstorming Methoden kennenlernen und austesten
  • Ideen entwickeln, bewerten und auswählen

  • Introduction to rapid prototyping
  • Defining the critical function of an idea
  • Building a prototype and presenting it

  • Einführung in Pitching und Storytelling
  • den eigenen Pitch konzipieren und üben
  • Digitale Pitches vor einer Jury aus Expert:innen

  • Problemverständnis: Den User kennenlernen und Empathie entwickeln
  • Menschenzentrierte Lösungen entwickeln: Das Problem identifizieren, Lösungen finden, Ideen bewerten
  • Prototyping & Testing: Einen Prototypen bauen und die Critical Function testen

  • Einführung in das Konzept des Business Modelling
  • Kennenlernen des Business Model Canvas-Tools
  • Praktisches Arbeiten mit jedem Element des BMC im Team

  • relevante Zukunftstrends innerhalb einer bestimmten Branche kennenlernen (STEEP-Trend- und Key-Factor-Analyse)
  • mögliche Zukünfte entdecken, um auf unterschiedliche Szenarien vorbereitet zu sein
  • ein Zukunftsszenario entwerfen (Scenario Building)

  • Hintergrund und Struktur von Storytelling
  • Übung: Die Hauptfigur der Geschichte erschaffen und deren Impact definieren
  • Input und Übung zu Techniken fesselnder Erzählweisen
  • Die eigene Geschichte schreiben und vortragen

Profitiere von unserer Erfahrung

Mit unserem Modulbaukasten-Angebot bieten wir YES-Partnern und -Trainer:innen maximale Flexibilität. Das ist Dir etwas zu viel des Guten? Kein Problem – wähle aus unseren Workshop-Vorlagen und greife auf unsere bewährten und erprobten Kombinationen zurück. Dafür haben wir Dir im Folgenden unsere “Best Practices” zusammengestellt.

Unsere Best Practise Workshops


From PhD to Innovator onsite

Learn the basics of Design Thinking from idea to implementation and reflect on your personal skillset in a two-day intensive on-location workshop.

2 full days, 8 hours each
Day 1
8 h
  • Discovering alternative career paths
  • Getting to know the concept of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
  • Exchange with role models from both fields
  • Reflection on one’s own potential entrepreneurial journey
  • Teamwork: Design Thinking Challenge
  • Understanding the problem: Empathy & user research
Day 2
8 h
  • Generating & choosing ideas
  • Trying out brainstorming methods
  • Teamwork: Building Prototypes
  • Introduction to testing & iteration

“It was amazing to see how a business idea could be created from scratch – in just two days. The design thinking tools allowed for tangible and immediate results creating a more mature idea that has already undergone a series of short real-world tests.”

Participant in the “From PhD to Innovator” workshop in Oldenburg


Navigating through Team Dynamics

Teamwork makes the dream work! Disagreements, diverging visions or other issues among team members are a common cause for failure in the startup industry. Learn about different team dynamics and roles, reflect on your personal team experiences and find out what you need to make team collaboration work well.

1 day, 6 hours
Day 1
6 h
  • Understand what conflicts stand for and how they can be useful.
  • Understand the role of empathy and a change of perspective in conflict situations.
  • Get to know strategies for dealing with conflicts and try out.
  • Introduction to working in teams
  • Agility and self-organised teams (VUCA)
  • Role model Q&A with a team expert

Discover your Storytelling Potential

You want to be prepared for your next networking event, research presentation or elevator pitch? In this workshop, you learn and practise how to convince supporters or investors of your vision and personality. In this workshop you will get to know the key elements of the storytelling method and put them into practice.

1 day, 8 hours
Day 1
8 h
  • Get to know the basics of storytelling and storytelling frameworks
  • Create the​ protagonist​ of your story and define your impact
  • Learn techniques of captivative storytelling
  • Write and narrate your own story
  • Introduction to building a convincing pitch
  • Creating & practising one’s own pitch
  • Pitch in front of an expert jury

Master your Pitching Skills

In this workshop, you learn and practise how to convince supporters or investors of your vision and personality. Develop your pitch storyline and receive feedback from our experts and an interdisciplinary team of peers, who are – like you – PhDs or Postdocs with the ambition to innovate.

1 day, 8 hours
Day 1
8 h
  • Introduction to the innovator’s skill set
  • Reflection on one’s own skill set
  • Discovering the entrepreneurial superpowers within the group
  • Introduction to building a convincing pitch
  • Creating & practising one’s own pitch
  • Pitch in front of an expert jury

Pathway to Impact

What impact would you like to create with your research? By looking at the golden circle framework, this workshop focuses on the WHY behind your work. With a view to the Sustainable Development Goals you will think about the potential areas of impact you can create with your own research.

1 day, 8 hours
Day 1
8 h
  • Learn about the golden circle and the concepts of purpose and impact
  • Reflect on the WHY behind your research work
  • Think about potential areas of impact that your research can contribute to
  • Reflection about the potential of one’s own research topic/idea
  • Assessing potential through identifying users/stakeholders
  • Developing or extending potential use cases based on one’s research & network

Your Sciencepreneurship Career

In this workshop, you will learn techniques to venture a glimpse into the unknown as well as to learn about trend analysis to find future visions and innovation potential and to build your own future prototype.

1 day, 8 hours
Day 1
8 h
  • Introduction to the innovator’s skill set
  • Reflection on one’s own skill set
  • Discovering the entrepreneurial superpowers within the group
  • Breaking the entrepreneurial stereotype
  • Reflecting on one’s own potential entrepreneurial journey​
  • Exchanging with and learn from entrepreneurs​
  • Learning about startup-services and their support programmes

Your Research’s Potential

You will reflect about user groups and the network of stakeholders that surround you and your research. Brainstorm potential use cases and help each other to take your ideas to the next level.

1 day, 8 hours
Day 1
8 h
  • Reflection about the potential of one’s own research topic/idea
  • Assessing potential through identifying users/stakeholders
  • Developing or extending potential use cases based on one’s research & network
  • Introduction to building a convincing pitch
  • Creating & practising one’s own pitch
  • Pitch in front of an expert jury


From PhD to Innovator online

A well-balanced mix of career-focused modules and interactive sessions to develop an idea in two days are part of this online-workshop.

2 days, 5.5 hours each
Day 1
5.5 h
  • Discovering alternative career paths
  • Getting to know the concept of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
  • Exchange with role models from both fields
  • Reflection on one’s own potential entrepreneurial journey
  • Reflection about the potential of one’s own research topic/idea
  • Assessing potential through identifying users/stakeholders
  • Developing or extending potential use cases based on one’s research & network
Day 2
5.5 h
  • Understanding a problem as a basis for innovative ideation
  • Getting to know different brainstorming methods and test them
  • Generating, evaluating, and selecting ideas
  • Introduction to building a convincing pitch
  • Creating & practising one’s own pitch
  • Pitch in front of an expert jury

“The programme was very well structured with a perfect balance between learning moments as well as elaboration of the newly acquired concepts – alone and in groups.”

Participant in the “From PhD to Innovator” workshop


Navigating through Team Dynamics

Teamwork makes the dream work! Disagreements, diverging visions or other issues among team members are a common cause for failure in the startup industry. Learn about different team dynamics and roles, reflect on your personal team experiences and find out what you need to make team collaboration work well.

1 day, 6 hours
Day 1
6 h
  • Understand what conflicts stand for and how they can be useful.
  • Understand the role of empathy and a change of perspective in conflict situations.
  • Get to know strategies for dealing with conflicts and try out.
  • Introduction to working in teams
  • Agility and self-organised teams (VUCA)
  • Role model Q&A with a team expert

Your Power, Your Story

Our „Entrepreneurial Empowerment“ workshop is designed for women who want to strengthen their personal and professional growth. We invite you to take a diverse look on the topic and discover your hidden potential. Let yourself be inspired by female sciencepreneurs who have taken this path and share their insights through short videos and learn how to tell your own success stories.

1 day, 5.5 hours
Day 1
5.5 h
  • Reach clarity and confidence for yourself on the subject of founding
  • Reflect on your own resources and potential support
  • Get inspired by female founder personalities
  • Introduction to building a convincing pitch
  • Creating & practising one’s own pitch
  • Pitch in front of an expert jury

Impactful Storytelling

In this workshop you will get to know the key elements of the storytelling method and put them into practice to convey your own scientific ideas. Take your research on a Hero‘s Journey!

1 day, 6 hours
Day 1
6 h
  • Introduction to the innovator’s skill set
  • Reflection on one’s own skill set
  • Discovering the entrepreneurial superpowers within the group
  • Get to know the basics of storytelling and storytelling frameworks
  • Create the​ protagonist​ of your story and define your impact
  • Learn techniques of captivative storytelling
  • Write and narrate your own story

Baue Deinen eigenen YES-Workshop

Um mit der Zusammenstellung Deines Young Entrepreneurs in Science-Workshops zu beginnen, wirf einen Blick auf unsere Modulbroschüre und nimm Kontakt mit uns auf! Wir unterstützen Dich gerne dabei, ein passendes Erlebnis für deine Teilnehmenden zu schaffen.


Katharina Rosin

Projektmanagerin Training


Kathrin Mengis

Partnermanagement und Training & Curriculum

+49-30-6098839-767 kathrin.mengis@falling-walls.com


YES Partnerhandbuch
Partnerhandbuch 01/25
  • pdf
  • 1.17 MB
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